Project Description started as an endeavor by Fidelity National Real Estate to pair the most detailed property, listing and neighborhood data available with rich visualizations created from statistical models and derivative values. The team sought to create a detailed view of real estate industry information that was easily understood by consumers. This was accomplished by providing a rich, data-driven visual information experience for consumers.

By leveraging the latest technologies ASP.NET, JavaScript, Ajax, Shared WCF and Rest Services, several infographics and maps, a few administration applications and a lot of SQL Server processing we were able to deliver on a data rich, inviting visual user experience. Although there was a lot of eye candy with the charts, graphs and maps, the heart of the system was the millions of records of property, tax, sales, listing, neighborhood, schools, crime and economic data from numerous vendors. The information was validated, imported, standardized and stored for derivative processing which generated local and regional aggregates including estimated home values.

The project had as many as 25 team members working long hours, under tight deadlines to deliver a head to head competitor with This project included integration’s with brand names like Google, Associated Press, Bank of America and the Wall Street Journal.
