Project Description
A major mortgage player in Southern California saw the writing on the (well quite honestly) documents. They we being weighed down by challenge of getting multiple parties sometimes in different locations to produce notarized wet signatures on thousands of documents per month. They knew that to remain competitive they would have to provide a eSigning service to its customers.
The bytetalent team was engaged with the goal of providing an high performance easy to use and integrate solution. The company had multiple consumer facing websites and supported more than one brand, so ease of use and flexibility were very important. We reviewed the existing systems architecture (angular.js, c#,, mvc, wcf, wwf, sql) and the Docusign integration options and proposed a SOA based service that could be utilized by all internal and external applications. Our team developed a set of api’s that encapsulated the Docusign rest services with easy to use method calls for Adding Clients and Documents, defining where the documents needed to be signed, monitoring the signing status and receiving the and storing the signed documents and the electronic signature certificate.
We used Visual Studio, c#,, wcf, REST api’s and SQL Server to create a set of Services that were easy to integrate and use.